Elastic Chest Harness will bring your chest, pecs, and shoulders stick out. It’s a masculine look any many would be proud to wear. Quality made gay men harnesses allows the harness to be adjusted and taken on/off quickly and easily. With men's harness collection you can get really creative and come up with a variety of looks.
Gay Elastic Chest Harness is absolute only the basic uniform for gay men. Harness is a Bondage gear it had been the uniform of the once underground gay leather bondage scene. Harness has always been part of the gay community, since bands of gay men broke off from the idea that gays were somehow naturally feminine, and chose leather as their emblem for a more manly, masculine look, a richly coded symbol of male sexual submission and control.
Harness is an essential part of every gay mans wardrobe. Harnesses are worn by guys all the time. They are worn at massive circuit party events, local pubs, dance clubs, fetish house parties, street festivals, and to Pride parades. They are universal and attract a lot of attention. If you’re considering investing in your first gay elastic harness, or looking to add to your collection, check men elastic harness collection.